Teotihuacán – The City of Gods

Dr. Luis Alfredo Mendoza López

Traumatólogo & Ortopedista

Discovering Teotihuacán


Magnificent Architecture

The Pyramid of the Sun (Pirámide del Sol) is the largest and most prominent structure in Teotihuacán, standing at approximately 65 meters (213 feet) tall. It is believed to have been constructed in stages between 100 AD and 450 AD, making it one of the oldest and largest pyramids in Mesoamerica.

Symbolism and Importance

The pyramid’s name derives from its central role in Teotihuacán’s religious and ceremonial life. It is situated along the Avenue of the Dead (Avenida de los Muertos), the city’s main thoroughfare, and served as a focal point for ritualistic practices, including ceremonies dedicated to the sun deity.

Architectural Features

Constructed with adobe bricks and covered with limestone plaster, the Pyramid of the Sun reflects the advanced engineering skills of the Teotihuacano civilization. Its four-sided, stepped structure culminates in a wide, flat platform at the summit, offering panoramic views of the surrounding archaeological site and the vast valley beyond.

Archaeological Discoveries

Excavations within the pyramid have revealed intricate murals, sculptures, and offerings, providing insights into the religious beliefs and daily life of the Teotihuacano people. Archaeologists continue to uncover artifacts and evidence that shed light on the pyramid’s purpose and significance within the ancient city.

At the heart of Teotihuacán are its impressive pyramids: the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon. The Pyramid of the Sun, the largest structure in Teotihuacán and one of the largest pyramids in Mesoamerica, stands as a symbol of the city’s power and religious significance. The Pyramid of the Moon, smaller but equally imposing, overlooks the Avenue of the Dead, a central thoroughfare lined with ancient buildings and temples.


Architectural Marvel

The Pyramid of the Moon is the second largest pyramid in Teotihuacán, situated at the northern end of the Avenue of the Dead (Avenida de los Muertos). It stands approximately 43 meters (141 feet) tall and dates back to around 200 AD, built during the peak of the Teotihuacano civilization.

Role in Teotihuacán’s Urban Layout

As the northern anchor of the Avenue of the Dead, the Pyramid of the Moon played a significant role in the urban design and religious life of Teotihuacán. It served as a ceremonial center and was likely used for rituals and offerings dedicated to the Great Goddess of Teotihuacán, symbolizing fertility, water, and the cycles of life.

Structure and Layout

Similar to the Pyramid of the Sun, the Pyramid of the Moon consists of a series of stepped platforms leading to a summit platform. Archaeological excavations have revealed a temple structure at the summit, where important ceremonies and rituals may have taken place, overlooking the city and its surroundings.

Sacred Avenue

The Pyramid of the Moon overlooks the Avenue of the Dead, a wide ceremonial avenue lined with smaller pyramids, platforms, and palaces. This avenue connected the city’s major ceremonial and residential complexes, emphasizing the pyramid’s central role in Teotihuacán’s religious and social life.

Artifacts and Discoveries

Excavations around the Pyramid of the Moon have unearthed various artifacts, including pottery, figurines, and offerings that provide insights into the religious beliefs and practices of the Teotihuacano people. These discoveries continue to enrich our understanding of the pyramid’s cultural significance.

Avenue of the Dead

Stretching for 2 kilometers (1.25 miles) through the city, the Avenue of the Dead (Avenida de los Muertos) was the main ceremonial and residential avenue of Teotihuacán. Along its sides are platforms, palaces, and smaller pyramids that once housed the city’s elite and served as centers of political and religious activity.

Art and Culture

Teotihuacán is not just a testament to architectural prowess but also a hub of artistic and cultural exchange. Murals found within the archaeological complex depict religious ceremonies, deities, and daily life, offering insights into the beliefs and practices of the Teotihuacano people.

UNESCO World Heritage Site

In 1987, Teotihuacán was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site, recognizing its cultural significance and the need for its preservation. Today, visitors from around the world come to marvel at its grandeur and to ponder the mysteries of its sudden decline and abandonment around the 7th or 8th century AD.


Exploring Teotihuacán is a journey through time, offering a glimpse into the achievements and legacy of one of ancient Mexico’s most influential civilizations. Whether you’re fascinated by archaeology, history, or simply seeking awe-inspiring views, Teotihuacán promises an unforgettable experience.

Stay tuned for more insights and tips on exploring Mexico in our upcoming articles!





Dr. Luis Alfredo Mendoza López

Con una Licenciatura en Medicina y Cirugía de la Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla y una especialidad en Traumatología y Ortopedia.

Mi pasión por la medicina me llevó a asistir a diversos eventos, donde he compartido conocimientos y hallazgos en congresos médicos nacionales e internacionales.

Mi principal motivación es el bienestar de mis pacientes, brindándoles la recuperación adecuada mediante los mejores tratamientos individualizados.